Participated in ASTM “F38 Unmanned Aircraft Systems”

On April 29-May 2, 2024, we participated in Working Group of ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) “F38 Unmanned Aircraft Systems”, held in Morgan Hill, California, USA.
ASTM is a standard developed by ASTM International, the largest civilian international standard establishment organization in the world. More than 12,500 ASTM standards for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), metals, oil, and construction, etc. are used worldwide to improve product quality, enhance health and safety, strengthen market access and trade, and foster consumer confidence.
Committee F38 “Unmanned Aircraft Systems” addresses issues related to design, performance, quality acceptance tests, and safety monitoring for unmanned air vehicle systems. Stakeholders include manufactures of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and their components, federal agencies, design professionals, professional societies, maintenance professionals, trade associations, financial organizations, and academia. Over 130 members are involved in this multinational initiative; all participating actively within a three-tiered subcommittee structure focusing on airworthiness, flight operations, and operator qualifications.
We will continue to contribute to the development of the industry in Japan and around the world through our participation in international standardization activities.
We will continue to report on our overseas activities in the future, so please look forward to them!