AeroVXR Business Performance (as of November 30, 2024)| NEWS
We would like to introduce the business performance of AeroVXR and JTPS (Japan Test Pilot School) as of November 30, 2024. Thanks to the support of our partners, we have been able to support many projects so far. We will continue to contribute to the growth of the aerospace industry. Thank you for your continued support! AeroVXR Business Performance JTPS Business Performance
We will exhibit at “Japan Drone / Advanced Air Mobility EXPO2024 in Kansai, Osaka”!| NEWS
On December 18-19, 2024, we will be exhibiting at “Japan Drone/Advanced Air Mobility EXPO2024 in Kansai” in Knowledge Capital Congrès Convention Centre at Grand Front Osaka. This is our first time participating in an exhibition in Kansai and we look forward to meeting you! If you visit the exhibition, please visit our booth! Reference : Japan Drone / Advanced Air Mobility EXPO 2024 in Kansai website (Japanese only) : https://www.japandrone-kansai.com/index.html *Japan Drone The largest drone specialized exhibition in Japan. As…
Participated in EUROCAE WG-105 “Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)” Plenary Meeting.| NEWS
On June 11-12, 2024, we participated in the EUROCAE WG-105 “Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)” Plenary Meeting held at EUROCONTROL, Brussels, Belgium. It is WG Plenary Meeting that is held regularly and is mainly face-to-face. It is a valuable opportunity to discuss issues that cannot be discussed at normal web meetings, and to interact and exchange opinions with other members. WG-105 “Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS),” in which we are currently participating, is tasked to develop standards and guidance documents that will…
We will hold a free discussion at “Japan Drone 2024 / Advanced Air Mobility EXPO 2024”!| NEWS
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We have supported EAMS Robotics Co., Ltd. as a Certification Consultant in their activities for ” Class 2 Type Certification” of UAS in Japan!| NEWS
On April 5, 2024, EAMS Robotics Co., Ltd. announced that it has certificated ” Class 2 Type Certification ” for its E6150TC after an inspection by Nihon Kaiji Kyokai, a registered inspection organization, for conformity with safety standards etc. We have supported their activities to apply for Type Certification as a Certification Consultant. We will continue to contribute to the development of the aerospace industry with our partners! EAMS Robotics Co., Ltd. website: https://www.eams-robo.co.jp/news/1650/ JCAB website: https://www.mlit.go.jp/report/press/kouku11_hh_000124.html What…
(日本語) 無人航空機:「無人航空機の型式認証等における安全基準及び均一性基準に対する検査要領」及び「無人航空機の型式認証等の手続き」の改正に関するパブリックコメントの募集が開始されました| NEWS
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We started ” Contract Service of Certification Tests” for Type Certification of UAS in cooperation with Drone Operation Co.| NEWS
PDF data: 20240222_プレスリリース_認証試験請負サービス_AeroVXR・DRONE-OPERATION
Sony Group, Inc. certificated the first “Class 2 Type Certification” of UAS in Japan!| NEWS
On December 22, 2023, Sony Group Inc. certificated the first “Class 2 Type Certification” for its professional drone Airpeak S1 (ARS-S1) after an inspection by the Nihon Kaiji Kyokai, a registered inspection organization. As a certification consultant, we supported their certificate activities. Sony Group, Inc. website: https://www.sony.com/ja/SonyInfo/News/Press/202312/23-035/ What is the Type Certification? The Type Certification is a system that guarantees the safety and uniformity of the strength, structure, and performance of mass-produced aircraft designed and manufactured by unmanned aircraft manufacturers,…
We will exhibit at Japan Drone 2024 / Advanced Air Mobility EXPO 2024 again this year!| NEWS
We will be exhibiting again this year at the “9th Japan Drone 2024 / 3rd Advanced Air Mobility Expo 2024” scheduled to be held at Makuhari Messe from June 5 (Wed) to 7 (Fri), 2024! If you visit the exhibition, please stop by our booth! We look forward to seeing you there! Reference: 9th Japan Drone 2024 / 3rd Advanced Air Mobility Expo 2024: https://ssl.japan-drone.com/ ※Japan Drone: It is a large-scale drone event that will be held for the ninth…
Today marks the first anniversary of the opening of JTPS (Japan Test Pilot School)!| BLOG
Today, January 10, 2024, marks the first anniversary of the opening of the first Japan Test Pilot School (JTPS) in Asia. So far, 16 students have graduated the school, and we have provided them with the knowledge and skills necessary for the development of aircraft etc. As long as there are people who need this know-how, we will continue to do our best! We look forward to working with you! The entrance ceremony on January 10, 2023 Details of actual…
JCAB has granted flight approval for the first “Level 3.5 Flight” of an unmanned aircraft| NEWS
Japan Civil Aviation Bureau(JCAB) granted flight approval for the first “Level 3.5 Flight” of an unmanned aircraft on December 8, 2023, in order to strongly promote the commercialization of unmanned aircraft. JCAB aims to establish a new “Level 3.5 Flight” system by the end of this year to promote the commercialization of delivery services using unmanned aircraft in mountainous areas. As a leading example of a Level 3.5 Flight of an unmanned aircraft, JCAB approved an application from NEXT DELIVERY…
Participated in ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Drone Enable 2023| NEWS
We participated in ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Drone Enable 2023 Symposium held in Montreal, Canada from December 5-7, 2023. A report on our participation will be posted on Tech Library later.