
First private test pilot school in Asia

There are two TPCs (Test Pilot Course) within the Ministry of Defense as test pilot educational institutions in Japan. However, there is currently no private test pilot school. AeroVXR will launch the first private test pilot school in Asia.


The MRJ’s first flight test pilot will provide the knowledge and skills to safely conduct flight tests and properly conduct flight test evaluations for various aircraft requirements.

AboutWelcome to JTPS

Japan Test Pilot School is the first private test pilot training institute in Asia, and provides education in flight test techniques to promote research and development and certification of future vehicles, such as not only aircraft but also flying vehicles (VTOL) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS).

In general, flight testing of any aircraft always involves risks. In this school, veteran test pilot and flight test engineers who have been active in the field of flight testing for over 30 years carefully teach students how to perform flight tests safely and reliably.

In addition to basic skills training courses for Flight Test Pilots and Flight Test Engineers, JTPS also offers on-demand training courses upon request. Upon graduation, a certificate will be issued as proof that the student has acquired flight test knowledge and skills through the course education.

Type Certification FTP/FTE Initial Course




Acquired Skills and Target Participants

This course provides the knowledge and skills required for research and development and certification testing as a FTP (Flight Test Pilot) or FTE (Flight Test Engineer). This course is intended for employees or students of companies aiming for R&D and certification of aircraft, flying cars, unpiloted aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and so on.


Total: approximately 170 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Aerodynamics, Systems Engineering, CRM (TEM), Human Factor, Flight Safety.

Flight test methods:
Flight test methods based on FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations) and MIL standards (Advisory Circulars, MIL-STD, JSSG, etc.)

Simulator training:
Practice test techniques and crew coordination procedures using fixed-wing (10hr) and rotary-wing (8hr) simulators.

Practical training on actual aircraft:
Conduct simulated flight tests using fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft (3hr) and experience the entire flight test process, from test plan preparation to flight test data acquisition and analysis.

Pilot Enrollment Requirements

  • Pilot’s license for private pilot or higher for airplanes or rotary wing aircraft
  • Aviation medical examination applicable to the pilot’s license
  • No previous flight test experience is required, but some flight experience is assumed.

Engineers Enrollment Requirements

  • Engineers with a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering are preferred
  • No prior flight test experience is required.

Type Certification FTP/FTE Recurrent Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

This course is for general FTP (Flight Test Pilot) and FTE (Flight Test Engineer) regular training (about once every two years) to acquire the latest knowledge and skills. This course is intended for employees or students of companies aiming for R&D and certification of aircraft, flying cars,unpiloted aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, and so on.


Total: approximately 80 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Latest trends of aeronautical technology and flight safety.

Flight test methods:
Flight test methods related to the latest requirements.

Simulator training:
Practice test techniques and crew coordination procedures using fixed-wing or rotary-wing (8hr) simulators.

Pilot Enrollment Requirements

  • Pilot’s license for private pilot or higher for airplanes or rotary wing aircraft
  • Aviation medical examination applicable to the pilot’s license
  • Completion of the JTPS Type Certification FTP/FTE Initial Course or equivalent or higher TPS/TPC

Engineer Enrollment Requirements

  • Completion of the JTPS Type Certification FTP/FTE Initial Course or equivalent or higher TPS/TPC

Fixed Wing FTP/FTE Short Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

This course provides the minimum knowledge and skills required to conduct research and development of fixed wing aircraft as a general FTP (Flight Test Pilot) or FTE (Flight Test Engineer). This course is intended for employees or students of companies aiming to conduct research and development or certification of aircraft, flying cars, unpiloted aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc.


Total: approximately 80 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Aerodynamics, Systems Engineering, CRM (TEM), Human Factor, Flight Safety, Certification Technology, etc.

Flight test methods:
Flight test methods based on FAR and MIL standards (AC 23-8/25-7D, MIL-STD-1797, etc.)

Simulator training:
Practical training on test techniques and crew coordination procedures using a fixed-wing simulator
(about 8 hours)

Pilot Enrollment Requirements

  • Pilot’s license for private pilot or higher for airplanes
  • Aviation medical examination applicable to the pilot’s license
  • No previous flight test experience is required, but some flight experience is assumed.

Engineer Enrollment Requirements

  • Engineers with a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering are preferred
  • No prior flight test experience is required.

Rotary Wing FTP/FTE Short Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

This course provides the minimum knowledge and skills required to conduct research and development of rotary wing aircraft as a general FTP (Flight Test Pilot) or FTE (Flight Test Engineer). This course is intended for employees or students of companies aiming to conduct research and development or certification of aircraft, flying cars, unpiloted aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, etc.


Total: approximately 80 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Aerodynamics, Systems Engineering, CRM (TEM), Human Factor, Flight Safety, Certification Technology, etc.

Flight test methods:
Flight test methods based on FAR and MIL standards (AC 27-1B/29-2C, MIL-STD-1797, etc.)

Simulator training:
Practical training on test techniques and crew coordination procedures using a rotary-wing simulator
(about 8 hours)

Pilot Enrollment Requirements

  • Pilot’s license for private pilot or higher for rotary wing aircraft
  • Aviation medical examination applicable to the pilot’s license
  • No previous flight test experience is required, but some flight experience is assumed.

Engineer Enrollment Requirements

  • Engineers with a bachelor’s degree in science or engineering are preferred
  • No prior flight test experience is required.

UAS Durability & Reliability Flight Test Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

This course provides the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct D&R tests on unmanned aircraft. In particular, students will learn safe and effective test techniques and data acquisition procedures while using actual aircraft.


Total: approximately 40 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Aerodynamics, systems engineering, flight safety, unmanned aircraft certification technology, D&R flight test methods

Flight test methods:
Introduction of flight test methods based on Japanese Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB) Circular 8-001 (reference ASTM F3478-20, etc.)

Practical training on actual aircraft:
Overall flight test experience, from conducting a simulated flight test with an unmanned aircraft and creating a test plan through to flight test data acquisition and analysis (approximately 4 hours of flight time).

Pilot or Engineer Enrollment Requirements

  • Unmanned aircraft pilot qualifications (1st or 2nd class unmanned aircraft pilot) are not required.
  • No flight test experience is required, but some experience or development of unmanned aircraft is a prerequisite.

Flight Test Safety & CRM Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

Practical flight safety education and CRM training for crew members involved in flight tests


Total: approximately 16 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Flight safety, CRM (TEM), Human Factor

Simulator training:
CRM training using fixed wing or rotary wing simulator (about 4 hours)

Flight Test Project Management Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

Educate personnel involved in flight test management on safe and effective test planning and execution.


Total: approximately 16 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Aircraft safety standards, flight safety.

Flight test planning:
Long-term test planning, short-term test planning, risk management, test management.


Certificate Technique Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

Participants will learn about the procedures and necessary documents related to certification of aircraft, including preparation and details of coordination with the Civil Aviation Bureau, based on the instructor’s extensive experience.


Total: approximately 8 hours

Civil Aeronautics Law and Regulations:
Overview of the Civil Aeronautics Law, the relevant ministerial ordinances, and related notifications.

Overview of Certification Activities:
Overview of certification and certification of aircraft and equipment in Japan, certification system for unmanned aircraft, documents and contents required for certification.

Validation & Verification Safety Analysis Course

Acquired Skills and Target Participants

Based on the instructor’s extensive experience, the course provides an overview of the Validation & Verification (V&V) activities and safety analysis required in aircraft development and certification activities.


Total: approximately 8 hours

Aeronautical engineering related knowledge:
Airframe safety standards, relevant civil standards.

Development Assurance Activities:
Overview of V&V at the airframe/system level and its relationship to safety analysis.

Safety Analysis:
Overall process overview, introduction and relevance of various safety analyses (AFHA, PASA, SFHA, PSSA, SSA, ASA), safety analysis methods (FTA, FMEA/FMES, PRA, ZSA, CMA).