
Participated in EUROCAE WG-105 “Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)” Plenary Meeting.


On June 11-12, 2024, we participated in the EUROCAE WG-105 “Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)” Plenary Meeting held at EUROCONTROL, Brussels, Belgium. It is WG Plenary Meeting that is held regularly and is mainly face-to-face. It is a valuable opportunity to discuss issues that cannot be discussed at normal web meetings, and to interact and exchange opinions with other members.
WG-105 “Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS),” in which we are currently participating, is tasked to develop standards and guidance documents that will allow the safe operation of UAS in all types of airspace, at all times and for all types of operations.
The work of WG-105 is organized in six Focus Teams working in a specific area. The current Focus Areas are:

●Detect and Avoid (DAA)
●Command, Control, Communication (C3)
●UAS Traffic Management (UAS)
●Design and Airworthiness Standards
●Enhanced RPAS Automation (ERA)
●Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)

Standardization activities in the aviation industry are the foundation of the industry, taking the lead in creating standards and rules. Fewer Japanese actively participate in standardization activities than people in other countries, and their influence in these activities is still very small. We only hope that more Japanese will participate in international standardization activities in order to keep up with global trends and lead the industry.

We will continue to contribute to the development of the industry in Japan and around the world through our participation in international standardization activities.
We will continue to report on our overseas activities in the future, so please look forward to them!


What is “EUROCAE”?

Abbreviation for “European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment“. Founded in Switzerland in 1963, it is a non-profit organization and one of the globally recognized International Civil Aviation Standardization Organizations leading the development of European civil aviation standards. It currently has over 450 members, including industry, service providers, regulators, research institutes and international organizations.

EUROCAE develops and promotes consensus-based standards for civil aviation systems and equipment, and its standards support international harmonization and global interoperability, and significantly contribute to the safety, efficiency and environmental sustainability of the global aviation system.