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UAS: Overview of Aircraft Certification and Type Certification
Aircraft Certification / Type Certification An overview of Aircraft Certification and Type Certification for UAS is as follows. Aircraft Certification: This covers each aircraft and serves as proof of the safety of each aircraft. Type certification: This covers each model and serves as proof that the safety of the design of each model and the manufacturing system capable of mass production have been established. Operational Image of Type Certification & Aircraft Certification
UAS: Registered Inspection Organization System
Registered Inspection Organization There is a system (Registered Inspection Organization System) that allows private organizations registered by the government as well as the national government to conduct inspection work related to Aircraft Certification and Type Certification of unmanned aircraft. The registration is valid for a period of three years, and the government may order a registered inspection organization conformity order, business improvement or suspension order, or revoke its registration, as necessary. The registration of a registered inspection organization requires, among…
UAS: System of documentation for Type Certification
Documents related to Type Certification The document system related to Type Certification of unmanned aircraft in Japan is as follows. Circular No. 8-001: Describe specific standards regarding “Safety Standards” and “Uniformity Standards” that are applicable standards. Circular No. 8-002: Describes the procedures for Type Certification, etc. Guidelines for obtaining type certification, etc. for unmanned aircraft: Contains a summary of examples of type certification and other certification activities in general.
Definition: Aircraft / Pilotless Aircraft / UAS
Definition The definition of “Aircraft” “Pilotless Aircraft” “UAS” in Civil Aeronautics Act in Japan is as follows. UAS Aircraft that can be used for air navigation and structurally incapable of carrying people, but which can be flown by remote control or autopilot (100g or more) Aircraft Aircraft, rotary-wing aircraft, glider, airship, or other equipment specified by Cabinet Order, which can be used for air navigation with a person on board Pilotless Aircraft Aircraft equipped with a device that enables it to…
Circular Information Management
No.0-000: Circular system [Summary] JCAB’s Circulars are those Circulars issued by the relevant divisions of JCAB Safety Department , which the Aircraft Safety Division has deemed appropriate to disseminate and clearly indicate to the parties concerned, in order to clarify the procedures to be followed when an application, etc. is to be made under laws and regulations, and to properly maintain and control matters for which a license or approval has been granted. The numbering system is as follows. [No.1-001]…
Future Vision of EASA Regulation
EASA Regulations The following categories are being considered as new requirements. •CS-Light UAS: After gaining experience in certification under the current Special Condition, it will be developed into a CS for light class unmanned aircraft. •CS-UAS: For unmanned aerial vehicles that have the same weight and performance as current aircraft (fixed-wing and rotary-wing) and can carry people, with UAS-specific elements to be added. •CS-VTOL: Aircraft that operates within and between cities like a flying car. Please find the figure in…
About Design Verification Report
The UAS applicant for a MED risk in the “Specific” category prepares the following documents and submits them to EASA. Once EASA confirms safety compliance, a Design Verification Report (DVR) is issued to the applicant. DVR Process A detailed description of the design, including all configurations to be verified. A risk assessment based on SORA and CONOPS, including all the following. -Characteristics and limitations of the proposed mode of operation -The intended use of the product and the type of…
SORA(Specific Operations Risk Assessment)
SORA SORA is based on a document developed by JARUS that provides direction on how to safely create, evaluate, and conduct unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations. The methodology is based on the principles of a holistic/comprehensive risk-based assessment model of system safety that is used to evaluate the risks associated with specific UAS operations. This model considers the nature of all threats associated with a particular hazard, the associated design, and proposed operational mitigations for a particular UAS operation. SORA…
What is JARUS?
Purpose of JARUS The purpose of JARUS, as stated in the Terms of Reference, is “to recommend a single set of technical, safety, and operational requirements for all aspects related to the safe operation of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). To do so, existing regulations and other materials applicable to manned aircraft must be reviewed and considered, specific tasks related to UAS must be analyzed, and materials covering the unique characteristics of UAS must be developed. The JARUS guidance materials are…