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UAS Traffics Management System ( UTM )

A management system for enabling safe and efficient BVLOS operations in airspace where multiple unmanned aircraft are in operation.
This is a system that supports the sharing of information on airspace, flight rules, other unmanned aircraft and manned aircraft, etc., and the avoidance of risks such as collisions in advance. Currently, each country is working on the development of UTM concepts, and demonstrations of UTM concepts are being conducted in collaboration with aviation regulatory authorities, research institutions, UTM service providers, etc.


Activities in the United States

FAA, NASA, and various companies are collaborating to conduct research, development, and demonstration experiments for UTM (refer to below).
1. UTM Pilot Program(UPP) 2016-2021 (Introduction movie : )
2. UTM Field Test Program(UTF) 2022-present

↓ (Vision for UTM in the United States)


Activities in Europe

SESAR JU (Single European Sky ATM Research Joint Undertaking), established by the EU and Eurocontrol, is currently conducting research, development and demonstration tests (refer to below) to realize a UTM service called U-Space.
1. CORUS/ CORUS-XUAM project (2017-2019/2021-2023)
2. BURDI Project (2022-present)

(Image of U-space development step-up in EU ↓)