Rulemaking Information at European and U.S. Authorities (EASA/FAA)
EASA/FAA Rulemaking
Each EASA/FAA authority compiles information on rulemaking and makes it available to the public on their respective websites.
【EASA Rulemaking】
【FAA Rulemaking】
Whenever a new rule is enacted or an existing rule is revised, public comment is held in advance, and the final version of the rule is issued after considering the comments received and reflecting them as necessary. Therefore, it is very important to keep track of public comments from the various authorities in order to identify future trends and to ensure that the appropriate rules are enacted.
The EASA/FAA’s rulemaking for public comment can be found at the following link. The final version of the rulemaking reflecting the public comments is also available, in which you can see the actual comments received and the results (responses) of the authorities’ consideration of them.
【EASA Notices of Proposed Amendment (NPAs)】
【FAA Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)】